Chapter 190 Sponsored Workshops
American Pocket Watch History, Repair and Maintenance - FILLED - Scheduled for September 7, 2024 in Ventura. This is a one day class in which students will learn some history of the American pocket watch and have the opportunity to disassemble and re-assemble a pocket watch movement. E-mail Dave Coatsworth at davec@nawcc-ch190.com if you are interested. Click here to download the flyer.
American, Spring Driven, Time and Strike Clock - As interest dictates, Ron Maricich and David Spong will teach a one-day course on the American, Spring Driven, Time and Strike Clock. Topics will include clock theory and the disassembly and assembly of a spring-driven clock. If you are interested contact Ron or David.
Chapter 190 American Pocket Watch Collecting, Maintenance and Repair Class
April 29, 2023

Chapter 190 Sponsored F202 Lathe II Field Suitcase Class
January 9-12, 2009

Chapter 190 Sponsored F201 Lathe Skills Field Suitcase Class
June 6-9, 2008

Chapter 190 Sponsored F301 Basic Pocket Watch Repair Field Suitcase Class
May 4-7, 2007