A message from the President of Chapter 190...

Welcome to Chapter 190 of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors.  The NAWCC is headquartered in Columbia, PA, and has many Chapters through the country and the world as well as many specialty Chapters that focus on different types of watches/clocks or other aspects of horology.

Horology—perhaps you have never heard that word before.  Horology is the art, study, and science of measuring time or of making time keeping devices.  Given this definition, a horologist is a person who is involved with any of those things. 

Chapter 190 then, is a group of horologists.  We are passionate about all things related to time and timekeeping.  Each of us has a different set of interests—we enjoy learning and sharing our knowledge, interests, and experience and we meet monthly for this purpose.  Occasionally, we even talk about things that are not related to horology.

We especially enjoy sharing with people who are new to horology and eager to learn.

Our Mission

Our core focus, consistent with that of the National organization, is to educate ourselves and the public about all aspects of horology. 

Our Activities

We meet every third Sunday of the month, except June and December.  See the Meeting section of this website for more details on the upcoming meetings.  Each meeting usually includes a mart, a workshop, lunch, and a presentation, not to mention the opportunity to talk with experts about your particular horology question--, not to mention the opportunity to talk with experts about your particular horology question—you’ll get answers to things you won’t find in books or on the internet.  The marts are an excellent opportunity to pick up some watches, clocks, tools, and books at very low prices. 

Pursuant to our mission we hold classes through the year on a variety of topics depending on the desires of the members.  Our chapter began in September of 2006—since that time we have held nearly 60 workshops—of special interest are the ten introductory workshops we have held in the last several years.  These were developed and presented using the resources of our own members—these hands-on workshops have helped many people to explore their interest in horology and helped them decide to pursue it further or just to keep it casual.  I encourage you to take a look at the Education section of our webpage to find out more about upcoming scheduled classes.

In addition to these classes we hold informal workshops prior to our regular meeting and we have a presentation on some aspect of horology at each meeting.

Lunch, provided at a very minimal cost, gives members a chance to ask each other questions, share experiences and generally participate in a wonderful camaraderie.

Come visit us

We welcome you to be our guest at one of our meetings to “check us out” and see if you might be interested in pursuing horology on a casual or more involved way—we guarantee no arm-twisting—and we will even provide lunch for free—who says there’s no free lunch!

How to Become a Member of Chapter 190

If you decide that you like to become more involved, membership in our Chapter is easy and inexpensive.  Click the “About Chapter 190” link to download a membership form.

The National Association

As I mentioned above, we are part of a National Association.  Being a member of Chapter 190 requires that you also be a member of the National Association.  This membership provides:

  • Yearly subscriptions, via online access or print editions (6 issues each) to the Watch & Clock Bulletin, an educational journal, and the Mart & Highlights, a buy/sell publication.
  • Full access to members-only online content: the complete Watch & Clock Bulletin archive (since 1943) and index; special-publication archives; online educational videos.
  • Research (in person or via email) and borrowing privileges at the Library and Research Center; the world’s largest collection of horological literature.
  • Regional meetings, with buying and selling opportunities, National Conventions, and Symposiums.
  • Local and special interest chapters.
  • Nationwide workshops, educational seminars, and online webinars.
  • Business Membership opportunities.
  • Free admission to the National Watch & Clock Museum in Columbia, PA.
  • 10% Discount at the NAWCC Museum Store.
  • Discounted membership rates for Associate/Family Members.
  • Discounted fees for weekend and special workshops in Columbia, PA.
  • Discounted subscription rates on select horological publications.
  • And more …

Membership in the National Association opens up a whole world of additional resources that most of us didn’t know existed.  While you may now only have a fledgling curiosity, you will soon find out that there is a treasure trove available to anyone who will reach out for it.


Please feel free to email us at info@nawcc-ch190.com

If you would like to join our mailing list to receive meeting notifications and other communications, please click here.

Wishing all the enjoyment horology can bring,

-Robert Stokes

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